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Kintsugi, more disassembling

Here are some more pieces I disassembled and one I couldn’t get apart. One of the pieces is a Ming period celadon, 45cm. diameter plate with an interesting wood repair piece. The piece I couldn’t get apart is the Oribe suribachi. I tried twice applying heat to it for a total of 30 minutes but I guess the walls are so thick that the epoxy doesn’t weaken easily.

Kintsugi, Ming period celadon 45 cm plate
Kintsugi, Ming period celadon 45 cm plate
Kintsugi, Ming period celadon 45 cm plate
Kintsugi, Ming period celadon 45 cm plate
Kintsugi, Ming period celadon 45 cm plate, close-up of wood insert.
Kintsugi, Ming period celadon 45 cm plate, close-up of wood insert.
Kintsugi, Ming period celadon 45 cm plate, close-up of wood insert.
Kintsugi, Ming period celadon 45 cm plate, close-up of wood insert.
Kintsugi, kogo before disassembly
Kintsugi, kogo before disassembly
Kintsugi, kogo before disassembly
Kintsugi, kogo before disassembly
Kintsugi, kogo before disassembly
Kintsugi, kogo before disassembly
Kintsugi, kogo before disassembly
Kintsugi, kogo before disassembly
Kintsugi, Ming period celadon 45 cm plate, close-up of partial kintsugi repair.
Kintsugi, Ming period celadon 45 cm plate, close-up of partial kintsugi repair.
Kintsugi, kogo after disassembly
Kintsugi, kogo after disassembly
Kintsugi, kogo after disassembly
Kintsugi, kogo after disassembly
Kintsugi, Oribe suribachi before disassembly
Kintsugi, Oribe suribachi before disassembly
Kintsugi, Oribe suribachi before disassembly
Kintsugi, Oribe suribachi before disassembly
Kintsugi, Oribe suribachi before disassembly.
Kintsugi, Oribe suribachi before disassembly.

Upcoming Kintsugi workshop in Europe.

July 31, 2017, Chapelle, Glâne, Switzerland, 3 hour beginner workshop. Seating is limited to 10 people in this workshop. Oron-la-ville is a place close by that has rooms to stay.

August 1 2, 3, 2017, Chapelle, Glâne, Switzerland, 3 day workshop. The address is Imp. Notre-Dame 29, 1608 Chapelle (glâne),+1608+Chapelle+(Gl%C3%A2ne),+Switzerland/@46.5870582,6.8358477,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x478e8035d704603d:0x15b3fe61e7be6a08!8m2!3d46.5870582!4d6.8380364
Oron-la-ville is a place close by that has rooms to stay and there will be rooms available in the village.
This course is a prerequisite for the 10 day course.

August 4-13 2017, Chapelle, Glâne, Switzerland, 10 day workshop. The address is Imp. Notre-Dame 29, 1608 Chapelle (glâne),+1608+Chapelle+(Gl%C3%A2ne),+Switzerland/@46.5870582,6.8358477,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x478e8035d704603d:0x15b3fe61e7be6a08!8m2!3d46.5870582!4d6.8380364
Oron-la-ville is a place close by that has rooms to stay and there will be rooms available in the village.
You have to have taken the 3 day course in order to take this course.


Les 3 jours de workshop sur le kintsugi étaient intenses, magiques et fabuleux!
On a pu découvrir le travail avec la laque (ça ne sent pas bon du tout!), la pose de l’argent (ou l’or), et on a appris la patience, la patience, la patience….(si ça s’apprend….)

C’était tellement bien qu’ on remet ça, en août!

Vous êtes intéressé? Alors toutes les informations sont sur mon site:
et pour les inscriptions:
3 heures d’initiation
3 jours de workshop
10 jours de workshop

Merci de partager, de diffuser, d’envoyer!
Bonne journée

Recent projects

Here are some recently completed kintsugi and restoration projects.

Lacquered bowl repair, first application.
Lacquered bowl repair, first application.

Lacquer applied to glass.
Lacquer applied to glass.
Finished kintsugi repair.
Finished kintsugi repair.
Finished kintsugi repair.
Finished kintsugi repair.
Finished kintsugi repair.
Finished kintsugi repair.
Lacquered bowl repair, before.
Lacquered bowl repair, before.
Lacquered bowl repair, before.
Lacquered bowl repair, before.
Lacquered bowl repair, first application.
Lacquered bowl repair, first application.